Darnall Well Being works with the Seven Hills Primary Care Network in providing a social prescribing Link Worker service across several surgeries – Clover Darnall, Clover Highgate, The Medical Centre Tinsley, Clover North Darnall Health Centre, Clover City practice and Handsworth Medical Practice. The Link Workers work as part of a team of professionals, and provide social prescribing support to patients of these surgeries.
What Does a Link Worker Do?
Social prescribing link workers connect people with local community activities and services that can help to improve their health and wellbeing. They listen to what’s important to the people they are working with, to find out what motivates them. Link workers work with them to find services and activities that offer practical, social and emotional support, which will help to improve their health and wellbeing by signposting/referring them to appropriate services. They can signpost you to things like weight management, Diabetes, persistent pain, loneliness/isolation, getting active, benefit advice etc.
How Can I Access a Link Worker?
Ask your GP or any other health professional to refer you to your Link Worker during your appointment or contact Darnall Well Being on 0114 249 6315 or by email to dwb.enquiries@darnallwellbeing.org.uk.